ترامب يهدد دول بريكس برسوم جمركية بنسبة 100% حرس الحدود يحبط ترويج 98 كجم قات ويطيح بـ 7 مهربين في جازان 43 مشاركًا يبتكرون 20 مشروعًا في معسكر سدايا الليلة.. هلال شعبان يظهر بالقرب من كوكبي زحل والزهرة انخفاض الحرارة شمال المملكة الأسبوع المقبل.. تصل إلى 1 درجة مئوية شاهد.. حالة مطرية غزيرة على منطقة جازان وفاة الفنان محمد الطويان عن عمر ناهز 80 عامًا قواعد إجراءات التسويات المالية.. محاربة للفساد وإرساء لدعائم العدل وفرصة للمخطئ حرس الحدود ينقذ امرأة من الغرق أثناء ممارسة السباحة بالشرقية أمر ملكي بالموافقة على قواعد إجراء التسويات المالية
The Philippine resident Dawood Balindo, told in an exclusive interview with “Almowaten” newspaper, that on Tuesday evening, the fact that the detention of the elderly in the neighborhood of Abragrama, due to heavy rains in Jeddah, prompted him to act quickly, and without thinking about the dangers involved, and he stressed that civil defense officers failed to assist the detained man.
“I left the house at 9 am and the rain was pouring down”, said the 30-year-old. “I saw the man held in the water. I did not stop myself, I left the car I was driving and rushed to save him. Civil defense men were watching me saving him”.
“Without thinking about any consequences, no one helped me, I did everything on my own, and when I took the man out of the water, the rescuers told me that they were waiting for the water to recede to get him out of the middle of the stream,” he said.
Dawood indicated that “The police and civil defense officers said that I risked myself, because the torrent could have washed me away, and they were kept away from the water”.
“I have been living in the Kingdom for a year and two months, coming from Dubai to work in private cars’, he said. He has a family and children in his native Philippines.