بالصور.. الكنافة أشهر وأشهى حلويات رمضان في محلات القاهرة

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بالصور.. الكنافة أشهر وأشهى حلويات رمضان في محلات القاهرة

سادة أو بالمكسرات، بالقشدة أو بالفواكة. إنها أشكال مختلفة تقدم بها الكنافة التي تعد واحدة من أشهر وأشهى الحلويات الشرقية التي تلقى إقبالا كبيرا أثناء شهر رمضان.

وتصنع الكنافة حاليا آليا كما نعرف جميعا ثم تسقى بشراب حلو. وهي حلوى تقليدية تعمل بأشكال مختلفة ويحبها أهل منطقة الشرق الأوسط عامة.

ويعود تاريخ صناعة الكنافة الى سنوات عديدة في المناطق التي كانت تخضع للامبراطورية العثمانية. وتقول شائعات إنها بدأت حين أراد أحد الأمراء العثمانيين طعاما يجعله يشعر بالشبع أثناء صيام نهار رمضان.

وقال صاحب محل عرفة الحلواني بالقاهرة وهو أحد أشهر وأقدم المحلات التي تصنع الكنافة في العاصمة المصرية إن الكنافة كانت تصنع يدويا الى عهد قريب حيث اخترعت الآلة التي تعملها حاليا.

وأضاف ابراهيم عرفة لتلفزيون رويترز: “أول بداية الكنافة سنة 1870 كانت عبارة عن كانون (موقد تقليدي يعمل بالحطب) مبني من الطوب عليه صينية من نحاس. الصنايعي كان بيرش بالكوز العجين بينزل على الصينية يبقى كنافة يستوي ويتلم. رجعت في العصر الحديث دخلت الماكينة زي ماتكلمنا.”

وفي أنحاء المنطقة تعد شعوب الدول المختلفة الكنافة بما تستلذ من أشياء. ففي منطقة الشام مثلا تحشى الكنافة بالجبن المحلي وتغطى في ماء الورد في حين يفضل كثيرون من أهل مصر حشوها بالفستق والقشدة.

وأوضح عرفة ان محله كان الأول الذي أدخل الآلة في عمل الكنافة بمصر.

وأضاف ابراهيم عرفة “طبعاً احنا نعتبر أول من أدخلنا الآلة في منتجاتنا زي ما دخلناها في الكنافة ودخلناها في القطايف. القطايف برده احنا قلنا فيه قطايف عادة كبيرة وقطايف عصافيري صغيرة.

برده (أيضا) دخلنا الآلة في صناعة الزلابية. الزلابية دلوقتي فيه آلة بتطلع الزلابية أوتوماتيك.”

والقطائف أيضا من الحلويات الشرقية التي تلقى إقبالا في مصر لاسيما خلال شهر رمضان..وهي صنو للكنافة أثناء شهر الصوم.
وقال شريك صاحب المحل سليمان ابراهيم عرفة ان الطلب على الكنافة والحلويات عموما يقل مع اقتراب شهر رمضان من النهاية واستعداد الناس لعيد الفطر.

وأضاف “هو بداية الاقبال هو أول خمس أيام رمضان بيبقى الاقبال شديد جداً وقبل رمضان بيومين. بعد كدة بيقل تدريجياً بسبب إن الناس بتخش على حاجة العيد.”

وقال زبون في محل عرفة يدعى مجدي السيد “دي عادة طبعاً كل سنة وكل رمضان الناس متعوده انها لازم تاكل كنافة وقطايف بعد الفطار. وده تعود احنا اتعودنا على كدة وأحسن حاجة اننا بنجيب الكنافة من عند عرفه.”

ويكثر استهلاك الحلويات لاسيما الشرقية منها في شهر رمضان أثناء التجمعات الأسرية التي تزيد بعد الافطار وتستمر حتى السحور أثناء شهر الصوم.

Workers carry qatayef from a machine at the factory of Arafah Al Kanafani, a shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as kunafa and qatayef during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY BUSINESS FOOD)

Moustafa, 14, works in the factory of Arafah Al Kanafani, a shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as kunafa and qatayef during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY FOOD BUSINESS)

A worker makes "Lukmet Arafah" sweets at Arafah Al Kanafani, a shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as kunafa and qatayef during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh  (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY FOOD BUSINESS)

Mohamed, 16, carries trays of dough to make kunafa, in the factory of Arafah Al Kanafani, a shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as kunafa and qatayef during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY BUSINESS FOOD)

Eslam, 11, works on qatayef at the factory of Arafah Al Kanafani, a pastry shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as "Kunafa" and "Qatayef" during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh  (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY FOOD BUSINESS)

Moustafa, 14, carries the dough to make qatayef, in the factory of Arafah Al Kanafani, a pastry shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as "Kunafa" and "Qatayef" during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY FOOD BUSINESS)

Employees work on dough for kunafa at a machine in the factory of Arafah Al Kanafani, a shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as kunafa and qatayef during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY FOOD BUSINESS)

Workers carry dough to a machine to make kunafa sweets, at the factory of Arafah Al Kanafani, a shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as kunafa and qatayef during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY BUSINESS FOOD)

A worker wraps kunafa sweets in paper for customers at Arafah Al Kanafani, a shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as kunafa and qatayef during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY BUSINESS FOOD)

Emad, 13, works at the factory of Arafah Al Kanafani, a pastry shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as "Kunafa" and "Qatayef" during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY BUSINESS FOOD)

Employees work on dough for kunafa at a machine in the factory of Arafah Al Kanafani, a shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as kunafa and qatayef during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY FOOD BUSINESS)

Employees wrap traditional sweets in paper for customers at the Arafah Al Kanafani, a shop selling traditional sweets, in old Cairo July 9, 2014. Arafah, which started operations in 1870, is one of the oldest pastry shops in Egypt that sells traditional desserts such as kunafa and qatayef during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, according to the owner Haj Mahmoud Arafah, who is from the Arafah family that founded the shop. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: RELIGION SOCIETY FOOD BUSINESS)


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