بالصور.. رئيس ألمانيا يلتقي أسرة سورية لاجئة في تركيا

الأحد ٢٧ أبريل ٢٠١٤ الساعة ٩:٥٥ مساءً
بالصور.. رئيس ألمانيا يلتقي أسرة سورية لاجئة في تركيا

التقى  الرئيس الألماني يواكيم جواك أسرة سورية لاجئة في مخيم كاهرامان ماراش اليوم الأحد في تركيا.

كما تفقد القوات الألمانية في قاعدة صواريخ في المنطقة.

Germany's President Joachim Gauck and his partner Daniela Schadt listen to commander of German troops in Turkey Colonel Stefan Drexter as they visit Patriot missile batteries in Kahramanmaras Germany's President Gauck and his partner Schadt listen to commander of German troops in Turkey Colonel Drexter as they visit Patriot missile batteries in Kahramanmaras Germany's President Gauck and his partner Schadt listen to commander of German troops in Turkey Colonel Drexter as they visit Patriot missile batteries in Kahramanmaras Gauck shakes hands with soldiers of the Bundeswehr as he visited Patriot missile batteries in Kahramanmaras Germany's President Joachim Gauck walks in front of the soldiers of the German armed forces Bundeswehr as he arrives at Patriot missile batteries in Kahramanmaras Germany's President Joachim Gauck walks in front of the soldiers of the German armed forces Bundeswehr as he arrives at Patriot missile batteries in Kahramanmaras Germany's President Joachim Gauck speaks to soldiers of the German armed forces Bundeswehr during his visit to Patriot missile batteries in Kahramanmaras Germany's President Gauck speaks to soldiers of the Bundeswehr as he visited Patriot missile batteries in Kahramanmaras Soldiers of the German armed forces Bundeswehr stand next a Patriot system in Kahramanmaras Germany's President Gauck and partner Schadt meet a Syrian refugee family in a refugee camp in Kahramanmaras Germany's President Gauck and partner Schadt meet a Syrian refugee family in a refugee camp in Kahramanmaras